Get an Instant Valuation

Enter weights into the most relevant categories of the Instant Value™ calculator and click to estimate how much CASH you will receive for your scrap.

Current London price fix used for valuation: 18/04/2024

Enter the weight of your dental scrap in grams:

Yellow Clean:

White Clean:

Yellow Dirty:

White Dirty:

Yellow Root:

When we receive your pack of scrap at our refinery Dental Scrap Refiners

will verify weights and values to get you the best cash price for your materials.

Dental Scrap Categories

Clean: dental scrap items with no roots, dried waste or non precious material attached to the crown.

Dirty: dental scrap items with some level of non precious material such as bonding material or glue attached to the crown or parts of teeth.

Root: when the tooth or root is still attached to the crown.

No scales? Use these examples to estimate weights:
2 Pence coin weighs = 7 grams
1 Pound coin weighs = 9.4 grams
2 Pound coin weighs = 12 grams

The Instant Value™ calculator is designed to provide the most accurate estimate possible online, but please note it is only an estimate until we carry out a full valuation of your items.

sell dental gold
sell dental gold
sell dental gold
sell dental gold

Sell Dental Gold Get Cash Now!

Request a Dental Scrap Refining Pack by filling out the form below. We will rush you a FREE pack including a PREPAID return envelope for your scrap.